Basic Interaction Design

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This class consisted of four groups (as I remember) that were to design an interface for part of a “smart” house, either living room, kitchen, or bathroom. Our group went with the bathroom. Below is just some of the GUI drafts I developed as part of an assignment. Each member had to develop their own GUI based on the ideas we developed. From there, we chose the best elements from each one to incorporate into the final GUI (not presented here).
I think we all agreed that the idea of a bathroom with a GUI was fairly ridiculous. It reminds me of a nightmare in which I had to re-install the operating system of a light switch. But someone can afford a bathroom that’s too smart for its own good, right?

01 Color Skylight Design
02 Hot Water Circulation
GUI Draft 01; Profiles
GUI Draft 02; Shower
GUI Draft 03; Lighting 01
GUI Draft 03; Lighting 02
GUI Draft 03; Lighting 03
GUI Draft 04; Heating 01
GUI Draft 04; Heating 02
GUI Draft 05; Usage 01
GUI Draft 05; Usage 02
GUI Draft 06; Display