The Problems with “Christianity”

April 6, 2010
Most of you probably already know I’m a Christian, but I know there is a growing number of people that may wonder why anyone would want to be a Christian. There is a definite distinction between Biblical Christianity and the generic “Christianity” that dominates society. This causes so many to turn to agnosticism or atheism. Too many take a blind leap of faith into any category, whether it’s a modern day denomination, agnosticism, or atheism.

Doesn’t God and Christianity cause confusion?

There are some today who argue that the world would be better without God, Christianity, or religion. The reasoning behind this thought process generally results from the confusion and hypocrisy they observe in so many denominational churches that exist today. While that reasoning seems good, it’s severely flawed. Examining a derivative or a denomination is not examining the standard, that is, the Bible.

God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:26-33). However, some claim that because He confused the languages at the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-4), that He is the author of confusion. By doing so, they fail to understand that the context of 1 Corinthians 14 refers to confusion concerning speaking order, and more general, the order of the assembly. Also, those building the tower of Babel were apparently already confused about God’s initial command to “fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1), by trying to “make a name for [their]selves, lest [they] be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth,” (Genesis 11:4). (See Apologetics Press for more details.)

Mankind is indeed the author of all doctrinal confusion today. It seems the reasons are as numerous as the denominations existing today. Taking things out of context is the biggest problem. Men authored the contradicting creed books and commentaries that exist today, not God.

Some contend that men wrote the Bible, but God wrote through men (2 Timothy 3:16). With the Bible’s scientific foreknowledge, historical accuracy, and available manuscripts, there’s no good reason to doubt it’s divine origin. A great deal more could be said about the Bible’s authenticity, but not within the scope of this article.

People Pick and Choose

Many people want to believe what they like and remain willfully ignorant of what they don’t like regardless of its source or credibility. It’s preferable to look at the shiny side of a dirty coin. The children of Israel rejected knowledge many times from the Old Testament to the New (Hosea 4:6).

While people like to believe in things like faith only, purgatory, and miracles today, among many other things, they have no Biblical basis. People like to ignore the Biblical truth concerning marriage, divorce, remarriage, homosexuality, alcohol, and many other things explicitly discussed in the Bible. One group says one thing while another group says another, everyone teaching what they believe without consulting the Bible. As a result, people conclude, “wouldn’t we be better without God,” without knowing the Bible in its fullness, if at all.

Unfortunately, there are some genuine Christians out there who are unfaithful, causing reproach on the church. (1 Peter 1:13-16, 1 Peter 2:11-12) If you’re someone outside of Christ’s church, you can’t properly judge the church using an erroneous sample or too small of a sample.

What about Bible contradictions?

The Bible has many critics. In most situations, people want to disregard it because they don’t like the idea of being held accountable for their actions in this life or they do not desire to live a proper righteous life. Nevertheless, the Bible has stood the test of time, and you can find answers to most of the alleged contradictions and discrepancies at Apologetics Press - Alleged Discrepancies.

There’s a big difference in simply reading the Bible and understanding the Bible. This is not to say that the Bible is difficult to understand. In many cases, people are usually given “help” to misunderstand it. Unfortunately, there is much of that “help” out in the world today.

I like to take an objective view of everything, including the Bible. There are too many people that make decisions based on something they “feel in their heart.” Although I understand that few would agree with the Bible, I’d have more respect for an agnostic or a “Christian” (with a blind faith not based on the Bible) seeking the truth, than an atheist.